Ricoh USA, Inc

Bulk Mail Clerk

November 2018 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

Free food from Google, you can't beat that!

What I wish was different

Boxes are heavy and job is nothing related to my History major. I feel like all that time in the university is for nothing.


The outside world is a cruel place, the university and colleges serve as safe zones to prepare you to the cruelty of the workforce and real life. I can assure you that you will not get any job related to your coolege major unless it's anything that involves math, science, or computers.
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General Contractor

August 2019 • Rancho Cordova, CA

What I liked

Simple, continuous work

What I wish was different

More time to get comfortable with the work setting


While this work was simple, it was great work experience for future jobs and ultimately my career.
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Copywriting Intern

June - August 2019 • Malvern, PA

What I liked

My coworkers were so wonderful! Rayna, my employer, was an incredible role model and went to all lengths to make sure that I was able to be exposed to all different aspects of a large corporation.

What I wish was different

I wish that I might have had more work to do, but then again, that's the nature of being an intern.


Always do your best! If there's no work to be done, figure out a way to be productive--get on LinkedIn Learning and learn something to make yourself more valuable!
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Software Engineering Intern

July 2019 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

Learned a lot,open ended project.

What I wish was different

Old culture, outdated codebase.


Ask more questions.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

I liked that I had an opportunity to work alongside a team of technical writers who were working to meet the same goals for the end product, but were working on a different part of it. This is an experience that I did not get at other internships.

What I wish was different

I wish that I’d have had a chance to work more with others on my project. Most of my work was done individually, which was fine and manageable, but I prefer having more connection with others around the office when working.


The given task may sound difficult from the start, but you may end up surprising yourself with how much you end up knowing and completing by the end of the summer.
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