Piedmont Airlines

Aviation Safety Programs Intern

January - July 2020 • Salisbury, MD

What I liked

The experience wasn’t a stereotypical intern experience. I was hands on with the aircraft and data throughout my internship. The work environment was friendly and they even extended my internship through COVID.

What I wish was different

External forces like COVID. The internship itself was amazing.


Stay on top of your tasks. The intern position at Piedmont is really important to the safety department so make sure you manage your time and meet deadlines. Also, utilize your flight benefits as much as possible.
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July - October 2019 • Salisbury, MD

What I liked

The different systems I was trained on. To update PMs and create a share drive for all of their files. Plus the family free airfare.

What I wish was different

Most of the time was spent doing filing which was discussed before I started, but I liked learning the SAMS.


That it was enjoyable. My coworkers there were great. If I needed help they would assist me without hesitation.
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