Risk assurance intern

June - August 2019 • McLean, VA

What I liked

Really good atmosphere and learning experience. A lot of fun activities for interns as well as networking opportunities.

What I wish was different

Was stuck on one client the whole summer which ended up not being a career interest to me and I couldn’t switch around easily.


Definitely worth the exposure the corporate culture and the networking possibilities. Get to know as much as you can about different opportunities and initiatives in the firm
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February 2019 • Tampa, FL

What I liked

I learned a lot.

What I wish was different



It is worth the work.
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Start Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I had a ton of exposure to the various lines of service at PwC and individuals within the firm. I got to shadow Associates, Senior Associates, and Managers and compare the difference between the various positions.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to have more control over the groups that I shadowed as I ended up in a few that I was not interested in or had already shadowed.


Connect with all your fellow interns and the professionals that you meet. Your peers will help you get through the difficult parts of being in such a large firm, and the professionals you meet will open up opportunities for you in the present and future.
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Risk Assurance Internsh

June - August 2019 • McLean, VA

What I liked

The environment, the experience

What I wish was different



Really take the time to understand whether you understand what the role is, ask questions, ask for different clients if you want more exposure
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Valuations Summer Associate

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The brand is strong and the company culture is admirable.

What I wish was different

Wish the internship was longer.


Find mentors and communicate with them frequently.
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Audit Intern

June - August 2019 • Buenos Aires, Argentina

What I liked

Loved having hands on experience as an auditor and find out what like and would want for my future. I also loved the experience outside of the country, especially Argentina which is where I was born and where all my family lives.

What I wish was different


You learn so many things being in a country that you do not live in from how they work to their customs.
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Digital Risk Solutions

June - August 2019 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

The people, the clients, and client work.

What I wish was different

Nothing. I enjoyed everything I did.


Just be a sponge and absorb all the information.
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Management Consulting Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

My team was very caring and there is a very strong UVA presence.

What I wish was different

The on-boarding process can be simpler and clearer


Be sure you are aware that PwC focuses more on the implementation pieces, which is a very strong advantage for them
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Valuations Intern

April - September 2019 • Philadelphia, PA

What I liked

The work was very engaging and the company culture was inclusive and tight-knit.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have had the opportunity to be included on more strategy consulting projects.


Communication, excel, and powerpoint skills are key.
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Core Assurance Intern

June - August 2019 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I was exposed training and a variety other resources to learn from when I wasn't busy with a client. Everyone wanted to get to know you and offered advice. There were always socials and events going on that allowed me to be involved and make connections. Additionally, we would also have a weekly lunch and learn series to learn about the firm, the CPA exam, and other initiatives.

What I wish was different

There was more flexibility to work with multiple clients for shorter periods of time.


You will get out what you put into the experience. Everyone is willing to help, but they don't know what you're interested in unless you speak up and tell them! There's so many opportunities, you just need to make it known and they do their best to accommodate you.
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Audit Intern

June - August 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

Associate Level Work

What I wish was different

For them to put me in the audit group I wanted in the first place. They gave me the group that was my second to the last choice, but I didnt even get work from them so I expressed my interest to the my first choices and they did not like it, so I ended up not getting the internship.


ask a lot of questions and make sure you know their expectations.
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June - August 2019 • Shanghai, People's Republic of China

What I liked

The working environment , the company culture of innovation.

What I wish was different

I want to have more chance to improve my working skills ex Excel, PPT skills


Be confident to share what you have done in the past. The employer really want to know more about you. Read the job description while applying.
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Audit Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Hands on experience with the client, lots of networking events and opportunities to meet partners, Disney trip at the end after receiving your full time offer!

What I wish was different

For me personally, the commuting was a lot. There also could have been more work to do when you were not on client site.


Make connections and make friends! Most interns return and if you do, you’ll already have friends when you come back full time. It makes the experience even better!
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Start Intern

June - July 2019 • Tysons Corner, VA

What I liked

I appreciated the freedom given to us as interns to explore areas of the firm we were interested in. Essentially, we tailored our own internship to our career goals, which I believe is the reason I am on the path I am now. We were also provided with dozens of opportunities to expand our professional networks through interactions with PwC professionals. I am grateful that they structured the internship in a way that made us feel like individuals in a big firm.

What I wish was different

I wish we were given more responsibility when shadowing at client sites so that we could gain experience with the tools we will one day be using on a daily basis. I also feel there were many online training simulations that were not entirely related to our program.


Advocate for yourself and your future. You are the only one who knows your interests and goals, and the only way you will get closer to achieving them is to communicate with the people provided to you as resources.
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Consulting Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Travel schedule and leadership opportunities. I got to go to Mexico and presented in front of other managers and executives.

What I wish was different

It was a bit too technical for my taste and I wish I had more exposure to higher level decision making.


Definitely get to know team members well. They will pull for you later and the people at PwC are incredibly fun.
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Accounting Intern

June - August 2019 • Hamilton, Pembroke Parish

What I liked

I liked that was I was able to gain accounting experience

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to move to different teams to see other areas in accounting and get a feel for what I might want to do.


Be eager to learn new things and do not be shy
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Tax Intern

June - August 2018 • Florham Park, NJ

What I liked

What I wish was different


The best thing to do is ask questions when there’s something you’re unsure of and always be the first to offer to come early or stay late!
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Audit Intern

June - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I feel like I got a decent understanding of what I would actually be doing in the job. I was able to go to my client a few times through the internship and it was a great experience. I also feel like I got a lot of time with partners through out the office.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been a little bit more involved in specific projects. Your internship is very based on what client you get put on and how that team runs.


Find one person you can ask your dumb questions to. They don't expect interns to really know things but sometimes you're embarrassed to ask stupid questions. So find someone who you feel comfortable talking to.
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Accountant Intern

June - July 2019 • Miami, FL

What I liked

I liked being with the other interns. It was a great experience to meet new people from different backgrounds and learn their story.

What I wish was different

I wish it had been longer. The internship time was only 2 months and it would have been awesome to have been there for 3 months.


The best advice I can share about this experience is to be yourself but show yourself. These internships are a great way to network and get your foot in the door and are essential to developing your work experience.
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Assurance Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Networking opportunities Technical skills training Interactions with fellow interns Ability to interact with senior members of the firm

What I wish was different

More direct audit work


The firm does not expect you to have technical skills or business acumen as an intern. Attitude is extremely important in being extended a return offer.
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