Premiere Creative

Business Development Intern

May - July 2022 • Millburn, NJ

What I liked

I really enjoyed how we were given the freedom to create our own schedules throughout the work day as long as we finished our work. I had the chance to look into industries that I was passionate about and research small businesses in those areas within my geographic region. The team was really receptive at Premiere Creative and offered a lot of advice when I was confused about how to pursue a potential client.

What I wish was different


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Digital Marketing Intern

May - September 2021 • Millburn, NJ

What I liked

I enjoyed learning so many different topics that fall within the marketing industry. I had the chance to work on blogging, social media, Google my Business, analyzing data, WordPress, and more. I also enjoyed working on different client projects and seeing how different industries utilized our services. We also got direct learning experience from owner J.J. which was extremely valuable. At the end of my internship director John helped to shape up my resume which was also helpful.

What I wish was different

I would've liked to have a more varied workload, as sometimes so much writing became repetitive and less interesting over time. Although I was exposed to many different tasks, there was a lot of writing, often many writings in a row before moving on to different types of tasks.


The writing is a lot, but at the end of the day your writing skills are advanced and developed significantly. If things seem repetitive, look at the bigger picture of the experience and knowledge you are gaining. Don't be afraid to ask questions - your job is to learn!
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Digital Marketing Intern

May - August 2021 • Millburn, NJ

What I liked

I really loved the digital marketing experience I would be getting from Premiere Creative. Blog writing was something I really wanted to expand my knowledge about and I had plenty of opportunities to learn how to structure a blog and write for the intended audience.

What I wish was different



This was a very excellent opening internship for digital marketing! It was a great experience and everything I learned was extremely useful in my career today. Be a sponge and don't be afraid to ask questions. They are there to help you grow your experience
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Digital Marketing Intern

May - August 2022 • Millburn, NJ

What I liked

I really enjoyed the process of being an intern at Premiere Creative. The work I did was valuable to the business and our clients and I was able to get great insight into the marketing industry. Also, I was able to learn about a wide variety of industries that our clients were in through market research and blog writing. The internship program is top tier and allowed me to understand a typical office space flow. I enjoyed working alongside other interns and collaborating with them on different projects.

What I wish was different

There is not much that I would change about my internship experience. I felt valued at Premiere Creative and gave them my absolute hardest work.


One piece of advice I would give to someone who is interested in being an intern at Premiere Creative is to open your mind to advice and critiques as the process is collaborative and involves learning from each other. It is important to learn and adapt to your mistakes and always be improving! Nobody will be upset with you for making a mistake, but you should always strive to get it right the next time!
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Digital Marketing Intern

May - August 2022 • Short Hills, NJ

What I liked

I enjoyed becoming progressively more familiar with foundational digital marketing concepts, such as SEO copywriting, Google My Business, and keyword research. These concepts were initially introduced to myself and the other interns via our weekly learning lessons from our supervisor, John, but what I really enjoyed was that we were able to take on tasks that directly applied what we had been taught. For instance, one task involved me researching specific keyword ROI for one of our larger clients. Using various research tools, I compiled a list of keywords that rank highest in our client's respective category. While this task was informative on its own, I appreciated that a prior learning lesson had given me the basic information necessary to not only obtain the data, but also know the importance of why I was retrieving it, and how valuable it could be to our client. This is one example I wanted to share, but there were plenty of other instances in which myself and the other interns were able to directly do a task for a client on a concept we had just learned, most notably our SEO-friendly blogs and longform copy.

What I wish was different

I would have appreciated the encouragement of a more collaborative environment. While collaboration is certainly possible upon request, I believe a greater emphasis on working together could help interns get to know each other a bit better, as well as gain experience working as a team; a skill that will only become more important as interns progress in their careers.


Make a point to reach out about clients or tasks you're interested in! All interns will be assigned various tasks throughout the duration of their internship, which do tend to be varied from one another and keep the assignments new and unique. However, if there is a specific concept, tool, or client you really want experience or work with, you may not get assigned to it by default, so reach out to the Premiere team to see if you can take on the project or task. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to accept the help!
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Digital Marketing Intern

May - August 2022 • Millburn, NJ

What I liked

-Received real work assignments which included a diverse set of tasks ranging from social media management, blogging, copywriting, and research. -Received regular learning both from learning sessions with our intern manager and from online webinars which we were required to intend. Both covered relevant topics/current events in the digital marketing world (SEO, Pinterest, Etc.) -Received help with improving my resume, linkedin profile, and cover letter.

What I wish was different

-Since we were doing real work for the company, I wish this role was paid since I had to work an additional paid job as well this summer. This was doable, though, since Premiere Creative required a minimum of 12 hours a week. -More collaboration with interns - since the experience was remote, you had to go out of your way to schedule calls if you wanted to work jointly on projects.


-Use edits from intern managers and other interns to improve your writing! Each time I wrote a blog, the suggestions I implemented made me a stronger writer in the long run. The editing process can be super helpful, so use it to your advantage.
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Digital Marketing Intern

June - August 2022 • Millburn, NJ

What I liked

There's alway something to do. Even if you're waiting on someone for feedback, there are webinars or lesson files to look over in the meantime to strengthen your digital marketing knowledge.

What I wish was different

The assigned tasks could be a bit more varied.


Don't be afraid to reach out for help or collaborate with other interns.
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Digital Marketing Intern

January - March 2022 • Millburn, NJ

What I liked

The head of the internship program, John Busold, has immense knowledge about the digital marketing industry if you're looking to gain experience. As a remote intern, John and I had regular video conference calls discussing assignments and new skills that I'd be learning. If you're looking to improve your copywriting skills, working with John will do just that. He is an incredibly polished writer who regularly edited and provided feedback on the blogs I wrote for Premiere Creative. Throughout the internship, John's blog feedback allowed me to drastically improve my copywriting.

What I wish was different

I only wish I could have been in-person instead of remote! However, it was still a great learning experience and helped me advance my career in marketing!


I'd advise you to intern in person if possible! Meeting face to face with industry professionals is better than through a screen.
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Digital Marketing Intern

June - August 2018 • Millburn, NJ

What I liked

I liked writing the blog and social media posts

What I wish was different

I wish I had communicated more with people rather than a screen


I gained a lot of experience in digital marketing techniques, the other employees were very nice, but there was not a lot of conversing between co-workers
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